Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Loan Modification Approved Fast

Loan Modification bullet points

If you would like to know the secrets to successful loan modification help and strategy, please request free loan modification strategy eBook This is a really great way to learn your options and decide if this is right for you.

• Dropping property values are making it difficult to refinance out of a negam/ pay option arm or adjustable rate mortgages

• Increasing restrictions at the federal level are changing the future of mortgage lending. No more stated income loans and the feds requiring lenders to verify income and assets.

• Now is the time to secure a 30 year fixed mortgage.

• The flexibility in acquiring a loan modification is temporary. It is assumed once the feds steps in and starts to bail out lenders and banks it will be more difficult to get loans modified.

• Our attorney has a high success rate (in the high 90’s) and offers a refund if they cannot get the loan modification approved which is unheard of with attorneys.

• This is a real estate law firm that focuses on Loan modifications.

• Loan Modifications do not require credit reports or appraisals to qualify. They are based on income, monthly household expenses and hardship.

• Some of the many benefits of working with our law firm is that they have relationships with most lenders, they have experience and resources available to make this happen.

• One big benefit to your clients is compared to doing a refinance which charges an average of $10k depending on point spread the law firm charges and average of $2500 to do the job.

• The Government bail out program is misleading and is designed to help certain homeowners. Does not work for delinquent or stated income borrower’s. FHA is entitled to 50% - 100% of your home’s equity. You still have to qualify for an FHA loan and your current lender has to approve the bailout and to decrease your current loan.

1 comment:

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